4 Apr 2013


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter.  Ours was lovely, though the lead-up has been a little rough.
About a month ago my Dad suffered two small brain bleeds, or mini strokes, and couple of weeks ago he had another three.  The first two affected his sight and the others have left him with some cognitive impairments.  We saw him on the Saturday before Easter and he was just gorgeous.  So pleased to see us and quite emotional, due to the impairments.
His sight has improved enough for him to be able to walk around independently, but he will never go home and he will never drive a car again.
Tonight my sister rang and said that Dad is being moved back to the hospital, he has been in a re-hab facility, as his heart rate has dropped and he can be monitored more closely at the hospital.  It just seems that he gets to a "good place" and there is another set back.

As for stitching there has been some, just not as much as I would like as I am back studying.  This current unit is on Cognition.  I am enjoying it, learning how memory works and about perception.  When I do get to do some stitching, usually coinciding with television watching, I have been stitching on one of my many HAED.  This one is called Emergence and is by Jen Delyth.  This is how it will look 'one day'.
And here is how mine looks at the moment.
When I ordered that chart there was an issue with one of the pages for the the Celtic knot on the bottom left hand side.  Some of the design was totally missing.  I contacted the owners of HAED and they were very good and replied promptly.  This time the symbols were different and the next time they seemed that the whole colour sequence would be different.  So I am thinking that I will stitch mine without the knots in it.  I am enjoying this one, and the colours are amazing. 

Well I had better go and do some studying, this assignment will not write itself.  I hope that you are all well and stay safe.


sharine said...

Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your Dadxxx

Linens and Royals said...

Thank you for your comment about my Emily.
You are going through a bad time. Strokes are very cruel and sorry to read about your dad.
Sometimes I think cross stitching helps us through bad times. I love the colours in your latest project.

Claire said...

Sorry to hear about your dad.love your cross stitch.x

Stitching Noni said...

Sorry to hear about your dad
I love your new stitching

Sharon said...

So sorry about your Dad. Hopefully things will improve for him soon. Gorgeous stitching.

Lynn said...

So sorry to hear about your dad's health woes. I hope they can stabilize him soon.
Emergence is gorgeous! I'm in love with the colours. They're right up my alley.

An Aussie girl who loves to cross stitch